Black Quantum Futurism x Languid Hands: H-E-L-L-O & The Fullness of Time

still from The Fullness of Time, Courtesy Cauleen Smith, 2008. Thursday 22nd Aug 2019 - ICA Lower Gallery

As part of Black Quantum Futurism’s Temporal Programming at ICA London, Languid Hands presented a screening of Cauleen Smith’s films H-E-L-L-O (2015) and The Fullness of Time (2008), which focus on post-Katrina New Orleans, ruminating on the markedly Black city as a site of both trauma and generative action.

Cauleen Smith’s moving image works honour the futuristic aspects of Black radicalism in a way that is both aesthetically and theoretically aligned with Black Quantum Futurism’s use of Afrofuturism as a tool for overcoming injustice. Both BQF and Smith actively consider sound, music, temporality, Blackness, resistance and specifically reference urban space and housing activism in their work.

1.1 Digital Essay Commission - On Cauleen Smith and Black Quantum Futurism

We published a revised version of the essay introduction we wrote about Cauleen Smith, Black Quantum Futurism, and how their work links to issues around housing and public space in London and Imani’s ongoing project The Black Drift, on 1.1’s digital text platform.

View and download the text here.

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